Design and Preparation of CNTs/Mg Layered Composites


In order to effectively solve the problem of strength and ductility mismatch of magnesium (Mg) matrix composites, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are added as reinforcement. However, it is difficult to uniformly disperse CNTs in a metal matrix to form composites. In this paper, electrophoretic deposition (EPD) was used to obtain layered units, and then the CNTs/Mg layered units were sintered by spark plasma sintering to synthesize layered CNTs/Mg composites. The deposition morphology of the layered units obtained by EPD and the microstructure, damping properties, and mechanical properties of the composite material were analyzed. The results show that the strength and ductility of the composite sample sintered at 590 °C were improved compared with the layered pure Mg and the composite sample sintered at 600 °C. Compared with pure Mg, the composites rolled by 40% had a much higher strength but no significant decrease in ductility. The damping properties of the CNTs/Mg composites were tested. The damping–test-temperature curve (tanδ~T) rose gradually with increasing temperature in the range of room temperature to 350 °C, and two internal friction peaks appeared. The damping properties of the tested composites at room temperature decreased with increasing frequency. The layered structure of the CNTs/Mg had ultra-high strengthening efficiency and maintained its ductility. The layered units prepared by EPD can uniformly disperse the CNTs in the composites

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