Interest of the State in Maintenance of Business Operations in Agriculture of Serbia in Globalization Conditions


In this paper, the authors show the importance of business continuity of business entities engaged in agricultural activity in the Republic of Serbia in the process of globalization. According to official data, over 50% of the population in Serbia is based on agribusiness. This sector produces food for people, has a significant impact on the environment, has a large share of GDP, which makes the state undoubtedly interested in the business of business entities in this field. The authors are considering the impact of the globalization process and the need to implement new knowledge in this field. In the study of the period from 2001 to 2018, the authors came to the conclusion that domestic companies need time, knowledge and financial incentives to adapt to the changes in the market brought about by globalization. Since the state, as well as the owner of an enterprise engaged in agricultural activity, is interested in the continuity of business in agricultural activity, it is recommended to provide such a policy, which will improve the standards in this activity and enable the continuous operation of business entities in the long term

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