Influence of free fatty acids on sweet cream butter flavor


A threshold pattern for the even-numbered free fatty acids (FFA) in butter depended on chain-length. Butyric acid had the lowest total average flavor threshold (AFT) of the more volatile FFA, and the total AFT values increased as chain-length in­creased through hexanoic and octanoic acids. A soapy after-taste predominated at and above the AFT for decanoic and dodecanoic acids. Threshold values decreased from oc­tanoic acid through dodecanoic acid as the chain-length increased. The determination of AFT values for FFA in butter allowed an estimation of the importance of fatty acids in butter flavor. Mixture threshold results obtained support the concept that flavor com­ponents interact at subthreshold concentrations. Decrease in preference was shown for butter containing suprathreshold levels of total FFA.MS and published versions

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