Data from: Numerous independent gains of torpor and hibernation across endotherms, linked with adaptation to diverse environments


CONTENTS OF THIS DATASET1) time_calibrated_phylogeny.nwk: The phylogeny of 1,338 endotherm species that were included in our study.2) dataset.csv: All raw data per species that we analysed in this study. This file is composed of the following columns:Species: the scientific name of the species.Common_name: the common name of the species.Class: the class to which the species belongs.Order: the order to which the species belongs.Family: the family to which the species belongs.Dormancy: NO / Torpor / Hibernation, standing for lack of dormancy, daily torpor, or prolonged torpor / hibernation, respectively.Max_longevity_years: maximum longevity in units of years.Migratory: no / yes.Body_mass_g: body mass in g units.BMR_Watt: basal metabolic rate in W units.Brain_size_g: brain mass in g units.Diet: carnivore / herbivore / omnivore.Fossoriality: nonfossorial / semifossorial / fossorial.Daily_activity: cathemeral / crepuscular / diurnal / nocturnal.Aquatic_affinity: very low / low / moderate / high.Range_size_km2: the range size in km2 units.Mid_range_lat_dd: the latitude at the centre of the range in decimal degrees.Mid_range_lon_dd: the longitude at the centre of the range in decimal degrees.Mean_temp: the mean temperature at the centre of the range in °C units.SD_temp: the temperature seasonality at the centre of the range in °C units.Annual_precip: the annual precipitation at the centre of the range in kg ⋅ m-2 ⋅ yr-1 units.CV_precip: the precipitation seasonality at the centre of the range in kg ⋅ m-2 units.NPP: the net primary productivity at the centre of the range in g C ⋅ m-2 ⋅ yr-1 units.Seasonal_dormancy: NO / YES (whether dormancy occurs in only a single season).Predictable_dormancy: NO / YES (whether conspecifics tend to enter dormancy in a similar manner).Hibernation_with_preparation: NO / YES.Data sources and further information about these variables are available in our study. </p

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