Design of a Low Micro Vibration High Precision CubeSat Reaction Wheel


Rolling element bearings are known to generate higher order harmonics. These harmonics can reach up to the 10th or higher engine order [1]. When wheels are used in a wide speed range, these higher order harmonics can pass and excite rotor eigenfrequencies and rotor modes, severely increasing the exported ฮผ-vibrations at these frequencies. The amplification of these frequencies will then be governed by the quality factor (Q-factor) of the rotor. Single piece rotors have several advantages such as affordable tight tolerances, uniform mass and elimination of assembly errors, but such monolithic metallic structure feature high Q-factors. Material choice is a first way to address this [2], but damping will stay limited. To further increase the internal damping and reduce the Q-factor, Constrained layer damping is employed

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