The Vinland, Kansas Church of Christ: Its History and Significance


This thesis describes the history of the Vinland Church of Christ, and its development in a rural community. This study considers some social factors which were a major source of the division in the Restoration Movement and notes their effect on the Vinland Church. Local history is of importance in an understanding of cultural development. Research for this thesis has been conducted with the aid of four basic sources of information, each of which helped to determine the validity and fill in the gaps of the other. The four sources are: (1) published material on the Restoration Movement in America, Kansas State history, which helped provide specific dates and information on the settlers of Douglas County and the Vinland community; (2) periodical material such as journals published by members of the Church of Christ and local newspapers proved to be an invaluable source of material dealing with specific details of events otherwise forgotten; (3) county land books were helpful as were church records, (but these are sparse indeed); and (4) personal interviews of members were useful in providing narrative information. The primary method of organization is a chronological study of the beginning, growth and survival of the Vinland Church of Christ. The conclusion reached is that the division in the Restoration Movement might be dated as early as 1876 and that the factors involved explain the action and attitudes of the church leaders who drew up the property deed at Vinland in 1906. Their concern that "progressionism" might corrupt New Testament worship as embraced by the Church of Christ caused them to take steps to guarantee that their building would not fall into the hands of the Christian Church

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