Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Tubular Scaffold Re-cellularization inside Perfusion Bioreactors


Humans suffer from tracheal pathologies such as malignancy, traumatic injury, and stenosis. Tissue engineering provides a viable treatment method by substituting a damaged trachea with an engineered graft that uses the recipient’s own cells to reduce the rate of transplant rejection by the recipient’s immune system. This requires a re-cellularization with cells harvested from the recipient. Bioreactors are designed to assist us in re-cellularization to distribute cells uniformly on the lumen tracheal. Currently, a lack of understanding of the bioreactor hydrodynamic and cell-seeding environment is a major obstacle for obtaining viable tracheal grafts. The complexity of cell behavior and modelling assumptions have led to significant differences between experimentally observed and computationally predicted results. In this study, we implement and compare a series of computational models of increasing complexity, incorporating previously neglected physical mechanisms, to improve the predictive ability of the models.M.A.S

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