Black Sermonology and Gospel Music: A Corpus Based Study


Spirituality is an important component in the lives of many Black Americans. Black American life has spirituality woven into multiple aspects. From what clothes to wear, what words to use when creating a dialogue with others, which television shows to watch, which jobs to pursue, how to treat those who harness similar and different belief systems, to seeking and maintaining personal relationships. Spiritualty permeates these decision-making processes and challenges individuals to make appropriate but difficult decisions. A spiritual lifestyle is an ever-evolving, ever-deepening component of the Black experience in America. It is a profoundly personal and private lifestyle yet communal because spirituality challenges individuals to live a holistic life while also involving themselves with the well-being of the community. Spirituality provides a sense of structure and assists individuals with organizing their world and navigating the complexities of life (Fields, 2015). Proficient mental health clinicians are encouraged to understand the spiritual beliefs of their clients and how those spiritual beliefs impact the clients’ worldview (CACREP, 2016)

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