Material phase detection using capacitance tomography


Includes bibliographical references.The design of sensor electronics for a tomographic imaging system based on electrical capacitance sensors is of interest in many different engineering applications. This can be especially beneficial in industrial two-component flow systems where capacitance tomography may provide information on how the two components are distributed, and the overall mass flow rate. Conventional flowmeters are often unsuitable for accurate measurements in two phase flows. This is particularly prevalent in cases where the component distribution is varying in space and time. Computerised tomographic methods used in medical imaging, can provide a useful means for obtaining a1most instantaneous information on the distribution of components in a cross section of a pipe. This aspect is exploited in this work leading to the possibility of a more accurate and relevant measurement. Several different flow imaging techniques have been developed based on neutron, x-ray, capacitance and ultrasound techniques. This work firstly reviews the recent developments in tomographic systems with particular reference to measurements in industrial processes. The principle flow sensing methods are summarized including cross correlation techniques and their applications. Application methods of artificial intelligence for image reconstruction are also reviewed as these techniques will be required in future developments

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