A note on the spectrum of Lipschitz operators and composition operators on Lipschitz spaces


Fix a metric space MM and let Lip0(M)\mathrm{Lip}_0(M) be the Banach space of complex-valued Lipschitz functions defined on MM. A weighted composition operator on Lip0(M)\mathrm{Lip}_0(M) is an operator of the kind wCf:gwgfwC_f : g \mapsto w \cdot g \circ f, where w:MCw : M \to \mathbb C and f:MMf: M \to M are any map. When such an operator is bounded, it is actually the adjoint operator of a so-called weighted Lipschitz operator wf^w\widehat{f} acting on the Lipschitz-free space F(M)\mathcal F(M). In this note, we study the spectrum of such operators, with a special emphasize when they are compact. Notably, we obtain a precise description in the non-weighted w1w \equiv 1 case: the spectrum is finite and made of roots of unity

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