What is Design Volition? Implications for Technology Education


Design is a central aspect of technology education and has a prominent position in curricula all over the world, not only in subjects named Design and Technology (and similar) but also in most other technology and engineering subjects, or disciplines. In philosophy, it has been asserted that design volition (axiology) has a strong relationship with and in many ways forms the basis of design as a methodological stance. In this paper, therefore, we investigate the affordances of volition/axiology as an integral philosophical component of technology education, specifically in relation to design methodology. The primary philosophical frameworks used as the foundation for this philosophical analysis are the ones presented by Carl Mitcham in his Thinking through Technology (1994) and Andrew Feenberg’s critical theory of technology. We perform a critical review of relevant literature, in line with a procedure suggested by Grant and Booth (2009). Based on this review, we attempt a clearer definition of the lucid concept of volition/axiology in the literature, as well as explicate relationships and influences between axiology and methodology in which we also review design as societal phenomenon, strong and weak intentionality, determinism, etc. In conclusion, implications for technology education are drawn

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