Sheaf realization of Bridgeland's Hall algebra of Dynkin type


As one of results in [6], Bridgeland realized the quantum group Uv(g)\mathrm{U}_v(\mathfrak{g}) via the localization of Ringel-Hall algebra for two-periodic projective complexes of quiver representations over a finite field. In the present paper, we generalize Lusztig's categorical construction and (dual) canonical basis for the nilpotent part Uv(n+)\mathrm{U}_v(\mathfrak{n}^+) to Bridgeland's Hall algebra of Dynkin type, and obtain a perverse sheaf realization of global basis for Bridgeland's localizing algebra. In particular, we prove that the dual of canonical basis elements are part of our basis up to powers of vv.Comment: In the new version, we add some content including: in section 6, we refine our construction and complete the perverse sheaves realization of Bridgeland's Hall algebra which is essentially isomorphic to the integral form of the whole quantum group; in section 7, we obtain new results about the global basis; in section 8, we compare our basis with Lusztig's (dual) canonical basi

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