Characterization of the topology of the Bitcoin network


Cryptocurrencies have shown great potential over the last years. They introduced a revolutionary concept: the no need for banks or third-party institutions to validate the payments. Transactions are public and known by all the users connected to a distributed network, so anyone can check the historical data. Having knowledge about diferent net- work parameters and nodes interaction can help to improve the protocol and to fnd vul- nerabilities. Bitcoin was the pioneer and is nowadays the most used digital coin. This project proposes a method to explore the reachable nodes of the main Bitcoin network. The script connects to a set of initial nodes and requests their known peers, in order to connect to them and request their list of known peers also. Over 198,000 unique IP ad- dresses were observed, although only 7500 nodes could be reached. The analysis of the data shows statistics of parameters of the nodes, like version used, geographic location or services implemented, and try to use them to give a general overview of the interaction between nodes.Ingeniería Informátic

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