Cost and availability aware resource allocation and virtual function placement for CDNaaS provision


We address the fundamental tradeoff between deployment cost and service availability in the context of on-demand content delivery service provision over a telecom operator's network functions virtualization infrastructure. In particular, given a specific set of preferences and constraints with respect to deployment cost, availability and computing resource capacity, we provide polynomial-time heuristics for the problem of jointly deriving an appropriate assignment of computing resources to a set of virtual instances and the placement of the latter in a subset of the available physical hosts. We capture the conflicting criteria of service availability and deployment cost by proposing a multi-objective optimization problem formulation. Our algorithms are experimentally shown to outperform state-of-the-art solutions in terms of both execution time and optimality, while providing the system operator with the necessary flexibility to balance between conflicting objectives and reflect the relevant preferences of the customer in the produced solutions.This work was supported in part by the French FUI-18 DVD2C project and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the 5G-Transformer project (grant no. 761536)

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