Numerical and Testing Analysis of Fin Stabilizers of A Medium Sized Cruise Ship with Overset Grids


Fin stabilizers represent an effective solution to address the roll motion of ships and improve the comfort of passengers on cruise ships. These devices typically comprise of one or two pairs of retractable fins, symmetrically mounted on either side of the ship, which utilize hydrodynamic lift to dampen motion through a control algorithm. However, coupling analysis of fin stabilizers and ships at various speeds and angles of attack remains limited, particularly with regard to the impact of the hull flow field on fin resistance. This paper investigates the drag performance and towing motion of a cruise ship using model tests and numerical analysis methods, and compares the results of the numerical and model tests. It also examines the drag resulting from fin stabilizers and the coupling motion of the ship, offering insight for the design and selection of fin stabilizers, cruise ship design, and performance prediction

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