
Exploiting Heterogeneous Compute Resources for Optimizing Lightweight Structures


Proceedings of: Second International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2015). Krakow (Poland), September 10-11, 2015.Optimizing lightweight structures with numerical simulations leads to the development of complex simulation codes with high computational demands. The optimization approach for lightweight structures consisting of fiberreinforced plastics is considered. During the simulated optimization, independent simulation tasks have to be executed efficiently on the heterogeneous computing resources. In this article, several scheduling methods for distributing parallel simulation tasks among compute nodes are presented. Performance results are shown for the scheduling and execution of synthetic benchmark tasks, matrix multiplication tasks, as well as FEM simulation tasks on a heterogeneous compute cluster.This work was performed within the Federal Cluster of Excellence EXC 1075 “MERGE Technologies for Multifunctional Lightweight Structures” and supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG)

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