
New stochastic processes to model interest rates : LIBOR additive processes


In this paper, a new kind of additive process is proposed. Our main goal is to define, characterize and prove the existence of the LIBOR additive process as a new stochastic process. This process will be de.ned as a piecewise stationary process with independent increments, continuous in probability but with discontinuous trajectories, and having "càdlàg" sample paths. The proposed process is specifically designed to derive interest-rates modelling because it allows us to introduce a jump-term structure as an increasing sequence of Lévy measures. In this paper we characterize this process as a Markovian process with an infinitely divisible, selfsimilar, stable and self-decomposable distribution. Also, we prove that the Lévy-Khintchine characteristic function and Lévy-Itô decomposition apply to this process. Additionally we develop a basic framework for density transformations. Finally, we show some examples of LIBOR additive processes

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