Tvorba solitona u izotermnoj relativističkoj plazmi s pozitivnim i negativnim ionima


We have studied the phenomenon of solitary wave formation in a relativistic plasma having both positive and negative ions. The state of the plasma is assumed to be isothermal and ions are considered to be warm. The phase velocity, width and amplitude of the soliton are explicitly obtained as functions of σα, σβ, nβ0/nα0, uα0/c, uβ0/c and Q, where σα and σβ are the temperatures of the two kinds of ions, nα0 and nβ0 are the respective equilibrium densities, uα0 and uβ0 are the corresponding streaming velocities and Q is the mass ratio of the negative and positive ions.Proučavana je tvorba solitonskih valova u relativističkoj plazmi koja sadrži pozitivne i negativne ione. Pretpostavljeno je da je plazma izotermna i da su ioni vrući. Odredena je fazna brzina, širina i amplituda solitona u ovisnosti o σα, σβ, nβ0/nα0, uα0/c, uβ0/c i Q, gdje su σα i σβ temperature iona, nα0 i nβ0 pripadne ravnotežne gustoće, uα0 i nβ0 odgovarajuće brzine strujanja, a Q je omjer mase negativnih i pozitivnih iona

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