Early events in preprotein recognition in E. coli: interaction of SRP and trigger factor with nascent polypeptides.


In Escherichia coli, components of a signal recognition particle (SRP) and its receptor have been identified which appear to be essential for efficient translocation of several proteins. In this study we use cross-linking to demonstrate that E. coli SRP interacts with a variety of nascent presecretory proteins and integral inner membrane proteins. Evidence is presented that the interaction is correlated with the hydrophobicity of the core region of the signal sequence and thereby with its ability to promote transport in vivo. A second E. coli component, which is identified as trigger factor, can be efficiently cross-linked to all tested nascent chains derived from both secreted and cytosolic proteins. We propose that SRP and trigger factor act as secretion-specific and general molecular chaperone respectively, early in protein synthesis

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