Linac-4, a 140 MeV H-linear accelerator is designed to replace the aging 50 MeV proton Linac. It will consist of an H-source and 45 keV LEBT, an RFQ and 3 MeV MEBT with a chopper, 3 drift tube linac (DTL) tanks accelerating the beam to 12, 30 and 50 Mev, cavity coupled structures (CCDTL) accelerating it to 100 MeV and a pi mode structure bringing it to its design energy of 160 MeV. This paper reports on the commissioning of the DTL and CCDTL with 2 dedicated temporary measurement lines, the first one adapted to the 12 MeV beam while the second one is dedicated to characterize the 50 MeV and the 100 MeV beams. The beam diagnostic devices used in these lines is described as well as results obtained