Classification of Frailty among Community Dwelling Older Adults Using Parameters of Physical Activity Obtained Independently and Unsupervised


The global population is ageing at an unprecedented rate, with the percentage of those aged over 65 years expected to double and those aged over 80 years expected to treble by the year 2050. With ageing comes biological and physiological changes that affect functional capacity. Frailty is a potentially avoidable, reversible biopsychosocial condition associated with biological but not chronological age, affecting a quarter of all community-dwelling older adults. Frailty results in disability, increased dependency and institutionalisation. Screening for frailty could help reduce its prevalence and mitigate the adverse outcomes however, traditional screening tools are time-consuming to perform, require clinician input and by their subjective nature are flawed. The use of wearable sensors has been proposed as a means of screening for frailty and parameters of mobility and physical activity have been identified as being associated with frailty. The goal of this thesis was to examine if community-dwelling older adults could capture parameters of mobility and physical activity independently in their own home and if these parameters could discriminate between frail and non-frail status. This work provides evidence that a single parameter of mobility and physical activity obtained from a single body-worn sensor correlates with frailty. It also provides evidence that community-dwelling older adults can independently capture parameters of mobility and physical activity, unsupervised in their own home using a consumer-grade wearable device, and that these data can predict pre-frailty and frailty with acceptable accuracy. Thresholds for parameters of physical activity predictive of frailty have been identified. The results of this thesis will guide future work to focus community-dwelling older adults on the importance of frailty screening and guide the development of a user-friendly device or sensor system suitable for use by older adults for continuous data collection relevant to frailty

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