Colloids with perception-dependent motility: Dynamics and structure of rotating aggregates and directed swarms


In this thesis we focus on two-dimensional systems of colloids governed by Brownian dynamics that are able to sense their neighbors via a visual-type of perception, then they can switch their motility between passive and active depending on a given perception parameter. Our setup corresponds to experiments performed in Bechinger's lab in Konstanz University, where they have considered cases of quorum-sensing (isotropic perception) and visual-type of perception (anisotropic perception). Here we study the case when the perception is both anisotropic and also misaligned with respect to the self-propulsion orientation vector. The purpose of this thesis is to characterize the emergence of collective behaviors in this model, as well as the dynamics and structural changes of the system. We provide novel strategies where the interplay between perception and motility of the agents allows them to self-organize into rotating aggregates and directed swarms. Our study sheds light in the understanding of active automatons with adaptable collective states, and can be implemented for example in macroscopic swarms of robots, or microscopic colloids activated by light. In chapter 2 we introduce the ingredients necessary to perform particle-based numerical simulations, like the integration method, interaction forces, boundary conditions, and optimization techniques. We also briefly comment on the organization and design of the Brownian dynamics code we developed to obtain results shown in this thesis. In chapter 3, we consider systems of colloids with discontinuous motility and misaligned visual perception. We explain how this type of interaction generically leads to aggregation and rotation of cohesive structures. Then, we characterize the resulting dynamics for different system parameters. In chapter 4 we characterize different types of circular structures that emerge in this model, as a function of the perception threshold and misalignment angle. We also derive analytical expressions from conservation equations corresponding to a solid-body rotation of a continuum aggregate driven by activity at the interface. We find an agreement between theory and numerical results for the density, size, and angular velocity of the aggregates as a function of the system parameters. In chapter 5 we consider a binary mixture of particles with different misalignment angle. Under given conditions, we find the striking case where the system aggregates, self-sorts into species subdomains which counter-rotate leading to a self-propulsion of the overall system. We characterize this process by means of dynamic parameters and their averages in steady state. We find cases where the directed swarms can either dilute or remain robust, or where the aggregate is species homogeneous and its center of mass describes random motion. We also study the swarms shape and how it can change for varying misalignment angle. In chapter 6 we study cases when the mixture is non-equimolar. In this case the system self-organizes into swarms describing helical trajectories. We also show an example of an externally guided system, where we dynamically change the misalignment angle of the particles, leading to a swarm performing run-and-turn motion

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