Rainwater harvesting study at Masjid Jamek Riyahdus Solihin, Pintas Puding, Batu Pahat Johor Malaysia


Harvesting rainwater contribute towards a sustainable living. It eliminate the wastage and reduce the dependency of potable water. The demand of potable water increases in accordance to the population. Rainwater harvesting is capable to combat water crisis and serves as an alternative water resources during water shortage. The present study proposed a rainwater harvesting system for the mosque and obtain the rainfall amount at study area. The method used for designing the rainwater harvesting system is referred to MSMA 2nd Edition. The system is consists of downpipe filter (4"/ Ø150 mm), Eaves gutter (16, 000 mm²) first flush diverter 150 mm (63 liter; 1.78 length) and: taper tank (600 liters). Rainfall data for study area was recorded by HOBO tipping rain gauge for four months. Rainwater was calculated and harvested 116.7% yield to the water demand for the study area. The rainfall for four months at the study area showed that the rainwater demand was sufficient to be collected and used for the mosque activities. The highest rainfall data collected was 75.2 mm. This study would help to initiate a starting point to create a green mosque concept into reality. Furthermore, this system applied the concept of green building that create environmental friendly surrounding as a stepping stone to educate and at the same time save the environment and minimize the energy wastage

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