Review on Approaches to Reverse Vaccinology Against Dangerous Pathogens in Animals


Vaccines have been recognized as major and effective tools For controlling disease impact, vaccinology is a field with great opportunity. Contribution of vaccines towards societal development by improvement of health status and increasing life-expectancy has been paramount. The conventional way of vaccine development includes culturing of pathogens in laboratory but this is not possible in case of highly infectious pathogens that are hazardous to culture in laboratory. The concept of reverse vaccinology is based on selecting specific epitope of interest that are capable of provoking cellular as well as humoral immune response which  is the heart of reverse vaccinology. Some approaches against viruses have also been done by reverse vaccinology. Applying genomic approaches to study both the pathogen and host will ultimately increase our fundamental understanding of pathogen biology, mechanisms responsible for the development of protective immunity, and guide next-generation vaccine design. This review paper show development of reverse vaccinology, their relevance, and limitations in the timely development of useful  against the most dangerous pathogens. Keywords: Conventional Vaccinology, Epitope prediction, Reverse Vaccinology, Vaccines DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/13-11-01 Publication date:July 31st 2023

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