Management strategies for the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB)


Increase in quantity and quality of marketable fruit. Practical recommendation • Monitoring/detection: visual monitoring, beat sampling or baited traps. Most reliable results from traps with pheromones and vibrational signals. Place traps outside of the orchard to avoid increased damages through trap spill over. Follow recommendations of extension officers for first plant protection measures. • Exclusion nets: Fine exclusion nets hinder BSMB from entering the orchard and can lower damages. Nets need to be closed early in the spring. • Natural enemies: Experimental releases of parasitoid wasps in several European countries. Other natural enemies that prey on BMSB eggs are among others ground beetles (Carabidae), earwigs (Forficulidae), jumping spiders (Salticidae), and crickets (Gryllidae). They can be promoted by enhancing biodiversity, for example through inter-row perennial flower strips. • Direct control • Mass trapping with sticky traps in combination with pheromones has limited influence on BMSB population. Bycatch can be reduced by using black sticky traps instead of yellow, as they are more attractive. • Plant protection products: Ready-to-use plant products have a low efficacy against adult BMSB, young stages need to get in direct contact with the product. Products include: • Pyrethrin (when allowed), • Spinosad (when allowed), and • Apply Kaolin (when allowed) to prevent damage: Trees need to be kept white starting at the time of fruit formation

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