A Narrative Review on Basic Themes and Traits of Classic Grounded Theory


Introduction: There are many challenges and ambiguities on family of grounded theory (GT) notwithstanding their reputation. Learners of bases and methods and commitment to a specific method are necessary because of the vying nature of different approaches. The aim of this article is to know the traits of Classic GT and to help to differentiate Classic GT from other similar methods. Methods: This article is a traditional review on some of key articles and books of Glaser about Classic GT. Seventeen of Glaser’s books and articles have been used in this article. Results: Two Main concerns of Glaser are “avoidance of force” and “differentiation between classic method and qualitative research methods and other GT methods too”. He has tried to solve these two concerns providing proper strategies in any stage. Conclusion: For doing a quality GT research, knowing and commitment to basic principles and details of this method is necessary. Setting the assumptions aside and avoiding the generalization of qualitative research and other members of GT family to classic GT is one of important basic principles for doing successful classic GT research

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