Die Perspektiven von Lehrenden und Lernenden im Vergleich : Methodische Überlegungen zu Aufzeichnungen von Interaktionen im Online-Unterricht


This paper presents the initial results of a study on similarities and differences in research on foreign language learning with digital media and interaction in face-to-face classroom teaching. First, the role of interactions in foreign language learning in general and in digital teaching in particular is briefly discussed. Research on language learning with digital media has so far focused predominantly on individual learning processes and virtual exchanges, while empirical work on foreign language teaching evaluates video recordings of collaborative learning in the classroom. The paper will discuss the consequences for methodology when research deals with synchronous online teaching. By analysing specific data from the Giessen project, the influence of the learners' mobile devices on what happens in class will be discussed. In conclusion, and based on the results of this analysis, the implications for the further development of foreign language learning and consequences for methodological aspects of interaction research are discussed

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