In the past, industry and government independently conducted research and gathered information to address environmental issues. The results were not always mutually accepted."/jats:p" "jats:p"A number of emerging environmental issues arose in the mid 1980’s that demanded mutual resolution. As a result, the Alberta Pipeline Environmental Steering Committee was established in 1988."/jats:p" "jats:p"The Committee initially consisted of industry and government representatives. The membership has since been increased to include landowner representation, local government, federal interests and contractors."/jats:p" "jats:p"The Committee has four main purposes:"/jats:p" "jats:p"1. To assist government, industry and other interest groups in their pursuit of environmental protection and economical pipeline planning, construction, operation, abandonment and reclamation in Alberta;"/jats:p" "jats:p"2. To act as a vehicle for government to receive input from industry and other interest groups during policy formation;"/jats:p" "jats:p"3. To identify, prioritize and make recommendations for workable solutions on Alberta pipeline environmental issues and;"/jats:p" "jats:p"4. To help implement recommendations by organizations represented on the Committee."/jats:p" "jats:p"The benefits of this model are agreement on issue identification and mutual resolution. The success of the model has resulted in it being adopted for other sectors as well