
Shock experiments give a unique insight into the behavior of matter subjected to extremely high pressures and temperatures. Understanding the behavior of materials under such extreme conditions is key to modeling material failure and deformation dynamics under impact. While studies on pure silica are extensive, the shock behavior of other commercial silicates that contain additional oxides has not been systematically investigated. To better understand the role of composition in the dynamic behavior of silicates, we performed laser-driven dynamic compression experiments on soda-lime glass (SLG) up to 315 GPa. Using the accurate pulse shaping offered by the long pulse laser system at the Matter in Extreme Conditions end-station at the Linac Coherent Light Source, SLG was shock compressed along the Hugoniot to multiple pressure-temperature points. Velocity Interferometer System for Any Reflector was used to measure the velocity and determine the pressure inside the SLG. The U s -u p relationship obtained agrees well with the previous parallel plate impact studies. Within the error bars, no transformation to the crystalline phase was observed up to 70 GPa, which is in contrast to the behavior of pure silica under shock compression. Our studies show that the glass composition strongly influences the shock compression behavior of the silicate glasses

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