Promjene svojstava Delta u nuklearnoj sredini


In the experiments at the Mainz Microtron, MAMI, ∆0 particles in the electron scattering reactions 12C (e, e ′∆0 ) 11C have been produced in nuclear medium. The three high-resolution magnetic spectrometers of the A1 collaboration have been used in triple coincidence measurements 12C (e, e ′p π −) 11C. Indications for substantial changes of delta properties in the nuclear medium have been obtained. Because of low statistics, these results cannot yet be taken as conclusive. A new setup for measurements at MAMI with silicon detectors for proton detection, which subtend larger solid angle, is described.U eksperimentima s mikrotronom u Mainzu, MAMI, proizvodili smo u nuklearnoj sredini čestice ∆0 reakcijom 12C (e, e ′∆0 ) 11C. U okviru suradnje A1, rabili smo tri magnetska spektrometra visokog razlučivanja za trosudesna mjerenja 12C (e, e ′p π −) 11C. Podaci ukazuju na promjene svojstava delta čestica u nuklearnoj sredini. Zbog slabe statistike, ti se ishodi još ne mogu smatrati konačnima. Opisuje se i nov mjerni sustav za detekciju protona sastavljen od silicijskih detektora koji zahvaća veći prostorni kut

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