Dobivanje amplitude pionske raspodjele iz mjerenja CLEO i E791


Using QCD perturbation theory in NLO and light-cone QCD sum rules, we extract from the CLEO experimental results the data on the Fγ ∗γπ (Q2) transition form factor constraints, on the Gegenbauer coefficients a2 and a4, as well as on the inverse moment (x −1)π of the pion distribution amplitude. We show that both the asymptotic and the Chernyak–Zhitnitsky pion distribution amplitudes are excluded at the 3σ- and 4σ-level, respectively, while the data confirm the end-point suppressed shape of the pion DA that we previously obtained with QCD sum rules and nonlocal condensates. These findings are also supported by the data of the Fermilab E791 experiment on diffractive di-jet production.Primjenom teorije smetnje QCD u blizu-vodećem redu i zbrojnih pravila QCD, iz podataka mjerenja CLEO o prijelaznom faktoru oblika za Fγ ∗γπ (Q2) , izvodimo ograničenja na Gegenbauerove koeficijente a2 i a4, kao i na inverzni moment amplitude pionske raspodjele (x −1)π. Pokazujemo da su asimptotska i Chernyak– Zhitnitskyjeva amplituda pionske raspodjele isključene na razini 3σ odn. 4σ, dok podaci potvrđuju potisnuti oblik kraja pionske distribucijske amplitude izvedene zbrojnim pravilima QCD i nelokalnim kondenzatima. Naše zaključke podržavaju također mjerenja difraktivne tvorbe dvojnih mlazova E791 u Fermilabu

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