Comparison of the pheromone dispensers ID Ecolure, Pheagr IDU and Duplodor for the double spined bark beetle [Ips duplicatus]


In 2000 and 2008, the effects of Duplodor pheromone lures in two variants (10 of each) with ID Ecolure (Poland) and ID Ecolure with Pheagr IDU (Czech Republic) used against Ips duplicatus were compared. IBL−3 and Theysohn barrier traps were installed in lines. In both cases, the total number of beetles captured during the entire season or beetles of the hibernating and summer generations were always significantly higher when using the ID Ecolure pheromone lure. The first beetles appeared at the end of April and the last ones in September. Flight activity culminated at either the end of April or beginning of May as well as at the end of June in both years, which reflects the two generations of beetles per year

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