Operational Consideration in the LIPAc SRF with Potential Solenoid Failure Modes


International audienceThe commissioning of LIPAc (Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator) is ongoing at Rokkasho institute of QST for the engineering validation of the accelerator system up to 9 MeV/125 mA. Several SRF cryomodules will be required for IFMIF to accelerate deuterons from 5 MeV to 40 MeV. The prototype of the first of these cryomodules has been manufactured and will be installed and tested on the LIPAc. It holds the eight HWRs (Half Wave Resonator) and RF couplers to accelerate the beam and the eight superconducting solenoids to focus it. During the solenoid HPR process, carried out after fixing welding issues on the solenoid beam line bellows, some concerns appeared about the integrity of two solenoids. The examination with CT scanning of the solenoids revealed that one screw and a few pins had leaved their socket. Although it should be no critical problem, we tried the beam simulation with PIC code TraceWin to determine the location of solenoids whose impact will be minimized to manage in case of failure of solenoid as mitigation action. This paper presents the recommended locations of the suspicious solenoids in the cryomodule and resultant beam conditions through the beam dynamics study

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    Last time updated on 02/12/2023
    Last time updated on 03/12/2023