Additive manufacturing of biomorphic scaffolds for bone tissue engineering


AbstractBone tissue engineering has evolved owing to new opportunities of deep customisation offered by additive manufacturing technologies. Gyroid structures, which have been widely used for energy absorption or chemical catalysis, are now being employed as biomorphic structures as well to provide customer-oriented scaffolds for missing or injured bones. Unfortunately, limited data in terms of manufacturability and mechanical properties are available in the literature to support a wide application scope, because the bone to match is strongly dependent on the individual. Therefore, the study aimed at addressing this lack of knowledge, assessing the manufacturability of metal gyroids and further developing the correlation of the structural response with the designed geometry, so to allow the designer to provide the proper biomorphic structure on a case-by-case basis. Biocompatible steel was used to manufacture samples via laser powder-bed fusion; their elastic moduli and yield strengths were evaluated as a function of the orientation of the elementary cells, the symmetry and the wall thickness based on compression testing. Grounds have been given to support potential applications for tibias and vertebras

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