News as a Commodity vs. News as a Public Good: Adaptation Strategies of South African Newspapers in the Digital Era.


Drawing on labour process theory and Bourdieu s field theory this study explores the challenges that newspapers face in maintaining their relevance to readers in an age where news has been de-commoditised and made readily available on the web Empirically the study is based on four case studies of incidents where different newspapers were reported to the Press Ombudsman for inaccurate reporting in recent years In-depth interviews were conducted with key informants from the selected cases In addition to that a key informant from the office of the Press Ombudsman was also interviewed to provide further insight into the effectiveness of the Press Code in regulating accuracy in news reporting as well as the challenges that newspapers are faced with in that regard It is argued that the digitalisation of media increases the tension between the production of news as a public good vs its delivery as a commodity that has to ensure profit Media is an essential pillar of democratic South Africa as it provides news to ensure that citizens are informed about issues that concern them and have the ability to make decisions on matters of concern i e a public good It is therefore crucial that news be reported in an accurate and professional manner adhering to the standards set by the Press Code Newspapers are faced with the challenge of ensuring a balance between producing news that is accurate and adheres to the set standards outlined in the Press Code while also ensuring that they remain profitable i e news as a commodity The findings from this study illustrate that all errors are not due to commercial pressure and that newspapers therefore still have room to manoeuvre put differently there is room for agency This implies that newspapers have to come up with strategies to continue to produce news effectively and attempt to avoid errors in news reporting As is shown in some instances quality of news can be compromised in the long run as in the case of s

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