
Many young people are becoming more innovative and have creative business ideas. Unfortunately, for new ventures, securing funding is often hard because of inadequate information between entrepreneurs and capital suppliers and partly because these entrepreneurs may have little business experience. As a result, different working relationships and contractual measures are used to deal with agency problems and to help the venture realize its potentials for value creation. The objectives of this study were to determine the extent to which new ventures have access to angel investors and to ascertain how angel investing can enhance the performance of new ventures in Nigeria. The studies used judgemental and convenience sampling techniques in selecting fifty (50) business owners in Calabar metropolis. Primary data were obtained with the aid of questionnaire. A 5-point Likert scale questionnaire, ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree was developed. The study surveyed only the owners or managers of the selected firms. The analysis revealed that most entrepreneurs are not familiar with angel investing. Most of the entrepreneurs were not knowledgeable on the role of angel investors neither do they personally know some angel investors. The findings of the research suggest that most of the entrepreneurs in Cross River State are novice on the concept of Angel Investing. Based on the findings, it was recommended amongst others that more enlightenment should be created on angel investing for emerging entrepreneur

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