The Importance of Jerusalem among Abrahamic Faiths as a Tool for Inter-Faith Dialogue and Peace


The Abrahamic faiths also referred to as Abrahamic religions consist of Judaism Christianity and Islam These religions commonly lay claim to the fact that they all originated from Abraham They therefore contest that they are directly linked to Abraham The earliest of the Abrahamic faiths is Judaism closely followed by Christianity while the most recent is Islam The study attempts to examine the importance of the city of Jerusalem to the Abrahamic faiths To a large extent they all claim some level of relationship with Jerusalem It is the aim of this study to examine how their common relationship with Jerusalem can engender inter-faith dialogue and unity which stands out as one the major concerns in the world today The study employed historical and sociological methodology in its investigation It is recommended that the Abrahamic faiths should appreciate the fact that their relationship with Jerusalem should be explored as a formidable panacea for establishing unity and inter-faith dialogue The city of Jerusalem should be seen as a symbol of unity rather than that of hatred war and morbid enmit

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