Integration of a cobot workstation into existing production system


U ovome radu istražuje se integracija radne stanice s kobotom (kolaborativni robot) unutar već postojećeg proizvodnog sustava. Fokusira se na povećanje učinkovitosti i produktivnost proizvodnje uključujući tehničke, programerske i logističke izazove. Kroz analizu dostupnih tehnologija za suradnju čovjeka i robota te razmatranje zahtjeva proizvodnje, rad predlaže odgovarajuće strategije za usklađivanje rada robota s postojećim procesima.This paper investigates the integration of a workstation with a cobot (collaborative robot) within an existing production system. It focuses on enhancing efficiency and productivity in manufacturing, including technical, programming, and logistical challenges. Through an analysis of available technologies for human-robot collaboration and consideration of production requirements, the paper proposes appropriate strategies to align the robot's work with the existing processes

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