Curtiss et al. Plume Reach Data file


ABSTRACT: Cydia pomonella (L.) dispersion in mating disrupted commercial apple orchards has been little studied. Males’ dispersion is better understood from non-mating disrupted orchards; female dispersion is not well explored, nor if mating disruption alters male dispersion. Sterile C. pomonella recapture data from single-trap multiple-release experiments using PHEROCON® CM-DA COMBO™ Lure + AA Lure-baited orange Pherocon VI delta traps was interpreted to determine pheromone/kairomone lure-baited trap effective area, trap deployment density for effective monitoring, and absolute male and female C. pomonella density in mating disrupted Washington commercial apple orchards. The maximum plume reach of the pheromone/kairomone lure in mating disrupted orchards was C. pomonella in mating disrupted orchards was 106 and 135 meters for males and females, yielding trapping areas of 3.87 ha and 6.16 ha, respectively. Estimates were consistent across three growing seasons and represent the first records of male and female dispersal distance and monitoring trap efficacy from commercial C. pomonella mating disrupted apple orchards. With relevance to commercial monitoring programs and economic thresholds in mating disrupted orchards, traps should be deployed at a density of one per 3-6 hectares; capture of a single male or female C. pomonella corresponds to at least 82-104 C. pomonella within the 3-6 ha trapping area. This refined C. pomonella capture interpretation in pheromone/kairomone-baited traps in mating disrupted commercial apple orchards yields more precise damage estimates and assists in insecticide-use decision making.&nbsp;</p

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