Modelling of Sanitary Sewer Systems integrating Rainfall-Derived Infiltration and Inflow


Municipal wastewater management difficulties may occur when excessive wet weather flow determine sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) mainly caused by the contribution of rainfall-derived infiltration and inflow (RDII) into sanitary sewers. This excess of wet weather flow can lead to serious problems to public health and environment as well as to suboptimal operation of wastewater treatment plants. This paper presents the implementation of a methodology based on hydroinformatic tools to determine the contribution of RDII in complex municipal sewer systems in order to establish adequate urban wastewater management policies that will effectively mitigate SSOs. USEPA SWMM, and digital cadastral database with field verification were applied in a simulation study of a small scale sanitary sewer network whose results will be used in a larger scale to create a city-wide model for wastewater systems management

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