A brief insight into the Upper Triassic to Miocene sedimentary succession of the External Dinarides, SE of Dubrovnik (southern Croatia)


The Konavle area located in the very southeast of the Republic of Croatia encompasses a large part of the entire External Dinarides sedimentary sequence, almost 5 km in thickness. It consists of two geologically and geomorphologically different parts, the Donja Banda and the Gornja Banda, separated by one of the most significant faults in the Dinarides, the so-called High Karst Nappe, which divides two regional tectonic units: the less disturbed Adriatic or Dalmatian Zone to the SW and the intensely deformed High Karst Unit to the NE. The Donja Banda as a part of the Dalmatian Zone is composed of Upper Cretaceous carbonates and Palaeogene carbonate and clastic deposits. The Gornja Banda as a part of the High Karst Unit represents a thick sequence of Upper Triassic, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous carbonate deposits monoclinally inclined towards the SE, passing into Bosnia and Herzegovina where the younger Cretaceous and Palaeogene deposits crop out. The first part of the field trip includes three stops in the Gornja Banda area, with a detailed elaboration of the deposition of shallow-water deposits of the older part of the AdCP. It comprises upper Toarcian–lower Aalenian coated-grain dominated carbonates, upper Kimmeridgian shallow subtidal and peritidal facies with subaerial exposure breccias, and uppermost Tithonian peritidal, laminite-capped cycles with dasyclads and faecal pellets. The second part presents some typical examples of the Upper Cretaceous carbonates and Palaeogene carbonate and clastic deposits of the Konavle region, in order to place them in the regional context of the evolution of the AdCP and External Dinarides. It comprises the oldest Upper Cretaceous rocks in the area, the Santonian–Campanian Gornji Humac fm. and a brief overview of the recent seismicity of the Dubrovnik region, Maastrichtian limestones representing the top of the Cretaceous, Palaeocene(–lower Eocene?) carbonates marking the end of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform in Konavle, Eocene Foraminiferal limestones, Palaeogene clastic deposits and a visit to Medieval fortress of Sokol Grad

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