Challenges faced by China compared with the US in developing wind power


In the 21st Conference of the Parties held in Paris in December 2015, China pledged to peak its carbon emissions and increase non-fossil energy to 20% by 2030 or earlier. Expanding renewable capacity, especially wind power, is a central strategy to achieve these climate goals. Despite greater capacity for wind installation in China compared to the US (114.7 vs. 65.9 GW), less wind electricity is generated in China (153.4 vs. 181.8 TWh). Here, we quantify the relative importance of the key factors accounting for the unsatisfactory performance of Chinese wind farms. Different from qualitative studies, we find that the difference in wind resources explains only a small fraction of the current US-China difference in wind power output (-17.9% in 2012); the curtailment of wind power, differences in turbine quality and delayed connection to the grid are identified as the three primary factors (respectively -49.3%, -50.2%, and -50.3% in 2012). Improvements in both technology choices and the policy environment are critical in addressing these challenges.Engineering and Applied Science

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