
Energy efficiency in buildings as one of the solutions for achieving energy security


Energy is essential for economic development, food production and global security. According to the UN, the world will need at least 45% more energy by 2030. It is well known that resources we are using today for the energy production have very negative impact on the planet, especially for the climate change. Alternative resources that are renewable and don't have CO2 emission also have own disadvantages. For example, solar panels are quite expensive, depend on climate, need a lot of place and also there is a big issue with utilization of panels in the end of their life cycle. Wind farmas and hydroelectric power stations are located to far from consumers and transmission looses are very high in these cases. Indeed, in future scientists will solve these problems, but so far we have to deal with them. It means that the best solution would be to combine alternative energy resources and energy saving. When you are citing the document, use the following link

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