Assessing keyness using permutation tests


We propose a resampling-based approach for assessing keyness in corpus linguistics based on suggestions by Gries (2006, 2022). Traditional approaches based on hypothesis tests (e.g. Likelihood Ratio) model the copora as independent identically distributed samples of tokens. This model does not account for the often observed uneven distribution of occurences of a word across a corpus. When occurences of a word are concentrated in few documents, large values of LLR and similar scores are in fact much more likely than accounted for by the token-by-token sampling model, leading to false positives. We replace the token-by-token sampling model by a model where corpora are samples of documents rather than tokens, which is much closer to the way corpora are actually assembled. We then use a permutation approach to approximate the distribution of a given keyness score under the null hypothesis of equal frequencies and obtain p-values for assessing significance. We do not need any assumption on how the tokens are organized within or across documents, and the approach works with basically *any* keyness score. Hence, appart from obtaining more accurate p-values for scores like LLR, we can also assess significance for e.g. the logratio which has been proposed as a measure of effect size. An efficient implementation of the proposed approach is provided in the `R` package `keyperm` available from github

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