Security Analysis of RAPP An RFID Authentication Protocol based on Permutation


One of the key problems in Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) is security and privacy. Many RFID authentication protocols have been proposed to preserve security and privacy of the system. Nevertheless, most of these protocols are analyzed and it is shown that they can not provide security against some RFID attacks. RAPP is a new ultralightweight authentication protocol with permutation. In RAPP, only three operations are involved: bitwise XOR, left rotation and permutation. In this paper, we give an active attack on RAPP. We first collect some authentication messages through impersonating valid tag and readers; Then we forge valid reader to communicate with the tag about times. Using the property of the left rotation and permutation operation, we can deduce the relationship of bits of random number or secret keys at different positions, thus obtain all the secret shared by the reader and the tag

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