Composition Theorems for CCA Cryptographic Security


We present two new theorems to analyze the indistinguishability of the composition of cryptographic permutations and the indistinguishability of the XOR of cryptographic functions. Using the H Coefficients technique of \cite{Patarin-2001}, for any two families of permutations FF and GG with CCA distinghuishability advantage αF\leq\alpha_F and αG\leq\alpha_G, we prove that the set of permutations fg,fF,gGf\circ g, f\in F, g\in G has CCA distinguishability advantage αF×αG\leq\alpha_F\times\alpha_G. This simple composition result gives a CCA indistinguishability geometric gain when composing blockciphers (unlike previously known clasical composition theorems). As an example, we apply this new theorem to analyze 4r4r and 6r6r rounds Feistel schemes with r1r\geq 1 and we improve previous best known bounds for a certain range of queries. Similarly, for any two families of functions FF and GG with distinghuishability advantage αF\leq\alpha_F and αG\leq\alpha_G, we prove that the set of functions fg,fF,gGf\oplus g, f\in F, g\in G has distinguishability advantage αF×αG\leq\alpha_F\times\alpha_G. As an example, we apply this new theorem to analyze the XOR of 2r2r permutations and we improve the previous best known bounds for certain range of querie

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