International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR)
Threshold Implementation (TI) is an elegant and widely accepted countermeasure against
1-st order Differential Power Analysis (DPA) in Side Channel
Attacks. The 3-share TI is the most efficient version of TI,
but so far, it can only be applied to 50\% of all 4-bit S-boxes.
In this paper, we study the limitations of decomposition and introduce factorization
to enable the 3-share TI for any optimal 4-bit
S-box. We propose an algorithm which can decompose any optimal 4-bit
S-box to quadratic vectorial boolean functions with a time complexity of 219.
Furthermore, we use our new methodology in combination with decomposition to optimize ciphers utilizing many different
S-boxes, and,
to highlight the strength of our new methodology, we construct a 3-share Threshold Implementation of SERPENT which was believed to be not possible until now. Last, we show how to implemented all SERPENT S-boxes with only one mutual core