Modelling IBE-based Key Exchange Protocol using Tamarin Prover


Tamarin Prover is a formal security analysis tool that is used to analyse security properties of various authentication and key exchange protocols. It provides built-ins like Diffie-Hellman, Hashing, XOR, Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption as well as Bilinear pairings. The shortfall in Tamarin Prover is that it does not support elliptic curve point addition operation. In this paper, we present a simple IBE (Identity-Based Encryption) based key exchange protocol and tamarin model. For modelling, we define a function to replace the point addition operation by the concept of pre-computation. We demonstrate that the security model functions for theoretical expectation and is able to resist Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) Attack. This model can be used to analyse the formal security of authentication and key exchange protocols designed based-on the IBE technique

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