How do new ventures develop abroad: Six fast-growing cases of the Veneto region


"The thesis focuses on International Entrepreneurship (IE), a recent field of study integrating entrepreneurship and international business theories, concentrating on the analysis of International New Ventures (INVs). An important contribution to the development of the topic derived from Oyson, Whittaker and Zur, who developed three frameworks focusing on international opportunities as the main unit of analysis, changing perspective if compared to the traditional internationalization theories and the former IE models, which concentrated more on variables such as the entrepreneur, the firm and the environment. The thesis, according to the findings of these three frameworks, tried to analyze the internationalization processes of six small and medium manufacturing companies established between 2006 and 2009 in the provinces of Padua, Treviso and Vicenza which managed to develop their international activities within 6 years from their establishment."openTesi non accessibile fino a 21 Gennaio 2017 per motivi correlati alla proprietà intellettuale dell'autor

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