
The Effect of Globalization on Domestic Legal Services


Globalization, in the context of this panel, refers to international, trans-border processes which are not regulated by the international legal framework, either private law or public international law. These processes, these unregulated influences, are having both positive and negative effects and affecting aspects of culture and society which had previously been considered domestic or wholly domestic concerns. This is creating a tension within both the domestic and international environments, and it is this particular tension that this panel seeks to address. E. Clinton Bamberger, Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Maryland Law School, will speak about how domestic systems in one country can serve as surrogates or supplements, providers of access to justice, for persons denied access to justice in their own country. Lucie White, Professor of Law, Harvard will talk about how legal aid is affected when different cultures and different communities immigrate or immigrant communities are set up in a country. Filipe Gonzalez Morales, Director, Public Interest Action Program, Deigo Portales University, Chile, will talk about how globalization and other forces are coming together and affecting developing economies of scale in providing legal aid across national borders. Dorchen Leidholdt, Director, Center for Battered Women's Legal Services, Sanctuary for Families, New York will talk about how globalization and enlarging immigrant communities in New York City have affected her work in providing protection for battered women

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